Hello blogger buddy wherever you are. For the first time, I will tell you if you use the tool before compress code, like this css compressor. So this time I will discuss about the javascript compressor. It is seen rarely and it seems strange for those of you who use tools like this, though so tools that one can speed up loading this blog, believe it? Believe it or not, you own it determines. For that, let's try that one advantage of this tool, who knows your blog or website can be faster page loading it! Javascript Compressor can be found in the tools JavascriptCompressor.com compress javascript provider was quite helpful for loading page blog / web us. To use the tool's this one you should prepare in advance javascript code, with your record should not enter this javascript code like "script src =", but the original code from javascript, because the code of yesteryear is the function to load a script that URL addresses listed. So immediately you try this one tool, may blog / website you faster and make a welcome visitor, AMIEN! Hopefully bermaanfaat and good luck.