Internet Connection with Handphone Modem

HP as a modem for Internet connection is the simplest way is worth doing for generations all have the need, for example, just for her YM via pc, or open the email.
Here are some profider begin setting gsm and cdma:

A. Equipment that is in need:

1. An HP that support GPRS, and was able to connect to GPRS.
2. Phone card / sim card.
3. Personal computers may also laptops.
4. Connecting devices, from phone to PC. May use the data cable, Bluetooth, or IrDA (Infrared Data Adapter). Here the driver is already installed. Anyway can already tell-mails between the PC and HP.
5. Plug Hanphone already active gprsnya (make sure the conditions on) with a usb data cable to your computer. When the driver file already exists on the computer it will automatically detect by itself. if not do the driver installation manually.

B. Setting Modem

Start >> Control Panel> Phone and Modem Options>> will display a list of modems that already detected by the computer and can port COM2, com7 ff. When there is detected where none can be sure one of the settings is not complete, check the data cable and turn on your Hanphone.

To ensure a connection between the pc with Hanphone manually, please highlight the name of your modem and select properties, on the General tab will be printed the name of your phone modem, plainly select diagnostics and query modem, if success means of communication are listed ok.
Please see the Advanced tab, then in the extra settings enter the code below: - then ok.

Extra code setting

AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "Acsess points, name the operator"
For the record: Acsess point name is a variable that can always change, we adjust the Hanphone card that we use.

Example: you use the card as a card im3 Hanphone you use as a mobile modem, then settingannya do so as follows:
AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", ""

Here's the code setting for each operator:
AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "" to im3
AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "" for the matrix and the sun
AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "internet" for Telkomsel
AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "" to xl

C. Make connections / create a dial-up:

1. Open the Control Panel again,
2. Select Network Connections,
3. New Connection Wizard.
4. Follow the steps by pressing the Next ...
5. For Connection Type, select Connect to the Internet
6. Getting Ready, select Set up my connection manually
7. Internet Connection, select Connect using a dial-up modem
8. In connection name / isp name fill up your name eg konekyuk (as the name of your connection)
9. In the Phone number to dial, enter * 99 *** 1 # (see list below for cdma different)
10. In filling the username and password dialog, adjust the settings of your card. If using IM3, gprs username and password im3 (see list below. Please adjust itself.

List of usernames and passwords as well as gsm and cdma dial number:

username: wap
password: wap123
dial number: * 99 *** 1 #

username: indosat
password: indosat
dial number: * 99 *** 1 #

username: please at Clear
password: please dikosongi
dial number: * 99 *** 1 #

username: xlgprs
password: ProXL
dial number: * 99 *** 1 #

Im3 (which is based on kb)
username: gprs
password: im3
dial number: * 99 *** 1 #

Im3 (which is based on time / time base)
username: indosat @ duration
password: indosat @ duration
dial number: * 99 *** 1 #

username: m8
password: m8
dial number: # 777

Telkom Flexy
username: telkomnet @ flexy
password: telkom
dial number: # 777

username: StarOne
password: indosat
dial number: # 777

Note: number 1 in the setting dial number please adapted to many existing internet connection on your computer. For example you have 2 kinds of internet connection from your pc then dial number can be filled: * 99 *** 2 # and so on.

For IM3 card, GPRS facility automatically activated when the card is activated. For Sympathy and others still need to register first, and for other numbers can contact customer service for GPRS activity information.

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