Job Fair Tasikmalaya 2013 for Jobseeker is Recommended!

Alhamdulillah, semenjak di luncurkan nya FB Resmi Job Fair Tasikmalaya . Kini hadir ke dua kali nya Expo Ketenagakerjaan Ke 2 JOB FAIR di ...

Why Google Adsense ads Dissappeared and how to fix it?

Beberapa waktu ini, template punya saya berbenah diri. Hehe, maklum. Ngga bisa diem, pengen nya utak-atik terus. Sehubung dengan editing d...

Copyright Infringement and Its Prevention

Long time no see... He.he... Kali ini saya akan membahas tentang masalah - masalah yang mungkin saat ini masih diperbincangkan oleh para ...

Weebly - Drag n Drop Website Creator

Hello, my friend! Long time no see? Hope you're in a good condition. Im very busy to write this blog, and this is the right time to w...

Now, Game console is not popular as Game Online ?

Halo.. sahabat-sahabat blogger semuanya. Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya akan membahas kenapa jaman sekarang game console tidak begitu menar...

Internet Connection with Handphone Modem

HP as a modem for Internet connection is the simplest way is worth doing for generations all have the need, for example, just for her YM vi...

HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure)

HTTPS is the secure version of HTTP, the communication protocol of the World Wide Web. Invented by Netscape Communications Corporation to p...

How to lock PC with Flash Disk ?

FlashDisk is a member of USB which iz Universal Serial Bus. There are many function of flashdisk which are not only for storage, but it als...